NEWS | Second ECF Regional Consultative Forum to take place in Borjomi on June 19, 2018
The second annual meeting of the Regional Consultative Forum is being planned for June 19, 2018 in Borjomi, Georgia. The meeting is to take place back-to-back with the regional meeting of the Transboundary Joint Secretariat (TJS) project, to reduce the amount of travels for the participants.
The 2018 meeting will focus mainly on: the recently signed and emerging conservation agreements in all three pilot corridors; the implementation of the pilot agreement in Khachik; monitoring, reporting and capacity building associated with the implementation of the conservation measures. The meeting will also provide an
opportunity for networking between stakeholders involved in landscape conservation in the Caucasus, including the local communities involved in current or future conservation agreements. The proximity of the Western Lesser Caucasus Eco-Corridor will also make it possible to for the participants to visit the ECF target area of Adigeni, Georgia.
The invitations and the programme of the meeting will be circulated to the invited stakeholders in the coming weeks.